What does the Programme consist of?
Slim & Trim is scientifically sound and focuses on key elements to achieve long-term permanent weight loss.
As we are all biochemically different, a multi-pronged approach is adopted to rebalance and harmonise the body to facilitate and sustain weight loss.
- Nutrition
- Exercise Guidance
- Hypnotherapy
- Reiki
- Qigong
- Slimming Body Wraps
Nutritional Testing
The nutritional testing using proven non-invasive bio-resonance technology, will highlight your specific deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food intolerances, neurotransmitter imbalances, digestive problems, inflammation and more.
Additionally a body scan will be undertaken to assess organs and glands that are stressed and imbalanced. This is important as it reveals factors that may be slowing down your metabolism and hindering weight loss.
This crucial information enables your dedicated nutritionist to tailor make your program and deal with your health priorities. The program is therefore personalised to attend to your needs.